5 Ways to Get More Greens in Your Diet (Part 2)

To continue talking about practical and tasty ways to get more greens in your diet, let’s continue with spinach. Again, I know that these are probably not our favorite things to eat. But I promise that when you get more greens in your diet, your body will thank you for it. So, if you have to eat them, let’s make it enjoyable. Our last recipe was collard greens. You’ll enjoy this similar but tasty recipe too for sauteed spinach.



1 small sweet yellow onion or 1/4 cup of pre-diced yellow or white onions

1 large container of raw spinach

3 fresh garlic slices OR 1 TBSP minced garlic (in the jar)

4 TBSP olive oil

Ground black pepper to taste

Salt to taste


1. Put your oil in a wok or large frying pan and put it on medium-high heat. When the oil is hot, put salt and black pepper in. Then add the onions in the oil, mix and allow them to start sauteeing. After 1 minute, lower the heat to low-medium and keep cooking the onions until they are slightly browned (you don’t want them crispy).

2. Once the onions are slightly browned add your minced or fresh pressed garlic. Only cook for 1 minute or until the garlic pieces start to brown.

3. Add the washed spinach to your pan and allow them to cook until they are a rich green color.

I hope you enjoyed this recipe and I hope you commit to get more greens in your diet. Do you cook spinach differently? Tell us about it below.

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