I know this seems like an obvious point. But it isn’t. One thing I’ve observed is that we don’t know how to live our lives. We work non-stop. We don’t tend to our health. We allow our friendships, marriages and acquaintances to fizzle out and die. We think the only time we deserve a break is on a vacation. And even then, we’re still connected to the things that caused our need for a prolonged break.
I know, we have to work to eat and make a living. But we weren’t created to only work and never enjoy our lives.
How do you enjoy your life? You live it. How do you live it? By doing ALL the things that make you alive, well, and whole. If you don’t enjoy your life, you can start enjoying it today. If you hate your life, you have the power to change it into something you love. It may take a short time. It could take a longer time. But, start making choices today to set you up to enjoy your life.
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