I often reject advice without any further investigation beyond the surface. I’m at an age and stage of life where advice is useless and unsolicited advice is insulting. I only seek wisdom that I do not already have. And I call tell the difference between advice and wisdom.
You may be asking “Well, what’s the difference between advice and wisdom?” If so, I’m glad you asked. Advice usually comes from a place of being judgmental. It lacks insight about the person or the situation for which the advice is being given. And to add insult to injury, it’s usually a passive-aggressive way to communicate the giver’s onion about the person they are “advising”.
Wisdom, on the other hand, has insight and discernment regarding the person and situation at hand. A wise person often asks questions before giving their input. They may not even provide it if they discern that the person who needs it isn’t open to it. They may wait until the person asks for it. Wisdom is strategy that is more likely to result in success. It is not opinion.
Honor your life by seeking wisdom rather than advice.
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