Daily Life Talks: Always Consider the Source

consider the source

One of the things I remember about writing research papers in high school and college was citation of sources. Not only did the citation of the sources need to in the correct format, but for each source we used we had to “consider the source”. That meant at the very least that each source needed to be peer reviewed. If it wasn’t, I knew teachers and professors who would not allow you to count it as a true source.

In a previous life talk, I talked about how we should never allow people to dismiss our experiences as mere opinion. To extend this, we should never do this other people. Yet, something I want you to always remember is that you still have to consider the source of the information you are getting. Remember that scenario where the mutual friend betrays only one of us (so far)? Well, Let’s tweak that to say that it wasn’t really a betrayal. I just perceived it as such because I’ve had such horrible experiences with betrayal, and our mutual friend did something to trigger those old feelings of hurt and betrayal. Now, if our other friend knows this about me and knows I have a tendency to do this even when there was no betrayal, she would be wise to consider this before believing that our mutual friend’s character is slipping. If she simply went off my account, she could be misled into believing something about our friend that isn’t true.

Always be mindful of and respect others’ experiences, but still consider the source!

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