Daily Life Talks: Are You Writing This Down?

Something my husband asks me when I start telling him about something I’m aiming my sights on is: “Are you writing this down?” And he’s right. Journaling and writing down your thoughts, ideas or even your dreams and goals is powerful. It reminds me of Habakkuk 2:2 which says “…Write down the revelation
    and make it plain on tablets
    so that a herald[b] may run with it.”
I decided to read the whole book of Habakkuk and found this. It starts with the prophet Habakkuk complaining in chapter 1. In  Chapter 2, God tells Habakkuk to write down the revelation he’s about to give him and then gives him a full response to his complaints. In chapter 3, Habbakuk is singing a different tune,

which includes one of my favorite bible verses “The Sovereign Lord is my strength;
    he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
    he enables me to tread on the heights” (3:19).

I think the deer referenced in Habakkuk 3:19 is actually a type of mountain goat because it’s described as treading in high places such as a mountain. Mountain goats have special hooves that allow them to scale and navigate sometimes near vertical mountain terrain without falling. This allows them to escape vicious predators and reach precious minerals and food they need for survival. Life can be a lot like the treacherous, deadly terrain of mountain life. And as we see in Habakkuk, God doesn’t seem to promise to change that. But what gives me comfort is that God will give me the agility and

competence of the agile mountain goat to survive and ascend the daunting terrain we call life.

And it all starts with writing down my thoughts, dreams and event complaints. Because in the writing is where I gain clarity and confidence to take effective action. The next time you want to vent to someone or use them as a sounding board, think of me asking you “Are you writing this down?”

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