Daily Life Talks: Be What You Never Received

what you never received

Life is unfair. Not always – but it can be. One of the things that I believe is unfair and cruel is to expect a person to be what was never modeled for them; to expect them to pick themselves up by their bootstraps an figure out what others were taught. Some people can do this. I still believe it’s cruel to compare these people to others who cannot. You don’t know what they had to do or who they met that may have helped them on their journey.

Despite the unfairness of it, if you don’t have anyone in your life to show you how to be what you never received, look to someone who has or is achieving it and ask them to mentor you. Once you find that mentor, remember everything they teach you, apply it to your life and pass it on to the next person who is just like you once were.

I know it’s hard to be what you never received, but someone is waiting for you to breakthrough. And just like you will find someone who will help you go to the next level and beyond, you will do the same for the one who is waiting for you.

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