Daily Life Talks: Death


In the Christian faith we believe that to be absent from the body is to be alive with God (2 Corinthians 5:8). In other words, we believe that when we die physically, we go on to live an eternal life spiritually with the Lord. Death is a necessary, inevitable and permanent part of our earthly life.

Even if you don’t subscribe to the Christian faith, or you don’t believe in an afterlife I think we can all agree that death is inevitable and permanent. You could even argue that it’s necessary. When you look at crops in your garden, you see that they all have a life cycle of about 3-5 months. Once they near the end of their life cycle, they sometimes bolt and produce new seeds before they die. If they didn’t die, there would be no new seeds for rebirth.

I know that when that loved one died, it broke your heart. Maybe you wanted to be buried with them. Or maybe them dying released emotions you didn’t know were there because your relationship was complicated or painful. I’m sorry for the pain, grief or any other mixture of emotions it caused you. Please take some comfort in knowing that we all experience the sting of death and that there is still beauty left in this life. If you believe as I do, please take comfort in the fact that you will see that loved one again.

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