Daily Life Talks: Do the Work

do the work

In life, I have experienced the sting of unfair treatment based off the fact that I am an African-American woman. One of the most complicated places in my life regarding this was work. It’s exhausting and highly upsetting to be made the work horse, held to a standard your peers are not, and then see someone else who isn’t even doing the bare minimum get recognition for your work or a promotion. It’s hard not to react to mistreatment. Even if you are not African-American or a woman, you may be able to relate to this for different reasons. It’s hard to go above and beyond, let alone do what’s required, when your situation is unfair.

In the past, I would allow it to shut me down and discourage me. At times I wouldn’t do the work to get to the next level because I felt like I never would get there. What I didn’t grasp then, was the principle that God is not a respecter of persons. Meaning, he does not show favoritism based on the things that humans do (sex, race, social-economic status, etc). This means that if you put in the work, you will get the rewards. The rewards may not be what you expected. But the point is that you get the rewards.

I believe that God allowed me to still reap the benefits of the work I put in despite my misgivings and missteps. You may not ever get your rewards from the people in your current situation. But work has a way of allowing you to reap it’s benefits if you set yourself up to receive them! Keep doing the work.

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