Daily Life Talks: Failure is What You Make It

I used to be terrified of failure. So much so that the fear would stop me from even trying to do things I really wanted to. But one day in my young adult life (and I really couldn’t tell you which exact day it was) I looked that fear of failure in the face and decided to do what I wanted anyway. Since then, there are 2 things failure has consistently taught me:

1: How committed I am (or am not) to a goal or dream

2: What NOT to do when pursuing your dreams and goals

Because I now embrace failure as part of the process of living and achieving, it can’t stop me like it used to.

Do I still experience the fear of failure? Yep.

Does failure sometimes make me want to quit? Absolutely. I just don’t let it stop me because I no longer view failure as a show stopper. I learn from it and keep going until I’ve achieved the goal. Failure is simply a temporary status as long as you keep going and you don’t quit.

Failure is what you make it, my friend. Let it be a temporary status that gives you clues to success!

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