Daily Life Talks: Get Paid for Your Work

get paid

I think most of us don’t make the connection between giftings and talents, and how to get paid. I believe it’s because many of us are taught that our gifts are to be used (and often abused) for the greater good for free. Then we’re taught that if we want to get paid that we need to find a “real job”. But the truth is that if you are creating something for someone with your gifts, you need to get paid for your work. The truth is that someone, where is willing to pay you for the outcome of your gifts and talents.

I can’t tell you how many times someone has either tried to guilt me into using my gifts to provide free labor; or suggested that I donate the things that I create. Thankfully, I had some intervention with this early on in life. An older woman taught me to always get paid for my work. That’s how I knew early on that someone, somewhere was willing to pay me for what I knew how to do (outside of a 9 to 5 job). Perhaps this is why I never really succumbed to the guilt trips.

If you never had someone tell you this, I’ll be that person. Get paid for your work! Someone, somewhere will pay for the outcome of your gifts.

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