Daily Life Talks: Happiness, Part 2

In yesterday’s Daily Life Talk, we talked about how to take responsibility for your own happiness. Today, let’s talk about why happiness isn’t all there is to life.

You might be asking “Am I supposed to accept being miserable all the time?” My answer is no. But being unhappy (just like other unpleasant emotions we experience) serves a purpose. It helps you to understand what went wrong and what is going wrong in your life. If you really listen to it, it can help you figure out how to move differently.

Additionally, I don’t know any normal human being who is literally happy all the time. I don’t think it’s possible. We’re wired with an entire suite of human emotions and their job is to help us understand where we are in life and what is happening to us while we live our lives. Therefore, happiness is not all there is to our life. It can’t be all there is. Other emotions have to occur in order for us to have the entire human experience.

That being said, happiness is important. If you never or rarely experience it, it’s absence can definitely make the flavor of your life sour. So pursue happiness and attain it. But when you experience other than happiness, listen to it and learn what it needs to teach you. Grow, heal and continue on in your life.

For more Daily Life Talks with me (Afi), sign up below! We’ll talk soon.

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