On my own healing journey, one of the most frustrating and discouraging things was the setbacks. I would make progress and get so excited, thinking that this was finally my time to be healed and whole. And just like that, I would have a setback. It took an outside perspective for me to realize that healing is not linear. I believe one of the reasons healing takes time is because of this very fact. Setbacks in healing are a part of the process. As long as you’re not doing things that directly contribute to those setbacks, embrace them as part of your journey.
If you think about it, setbacks are proof of progress. Yes, you have to recover ground that was lost. But when you do, you make even more progress than you did before which ultimately and eventually leads to wholeness. If something hasn’t been right for a long time, it makes sense that your area of struggle would default at different times in the healing process to what was. This is why it’s important to keep going.
Eventually you will see shorter and shorter recovery periods. You’ll start to notice the overall improvement. Embrace the fact that healing is not linear. As long as you don’t quit, you can achieve healing and wholeness.
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