Daily Life Talks: Healing Requires the Right Conditions


Just like healing takes time, it also requires the right conditions. I saw a quote meme floating around that says “You cannot ask the person who broke you to heal you”. Meaning, you cannot heal in the environment that caused the illness. Just like gardens and plants require the right conditions (sunlight, healthy soil, water and tending), your healing requires some conditions.

In general, a whole foods diet, proper water intake, adequate sleep, proper management of stress and healthy social connections will provide the general conditions you need. I would add to that to seek out the wisdom, help and support of professional healers who are gifted in your area of need. Doctors, spiritual leaders and counselors are some of the people who can help you consistently create the conditions you need for your healing. Plus, be willing to remove yourself from conditions that are toxic or that simply may not be supporting your healing.

You are like a plant or garden. If you are given time and the right conditions, your ailments can heal!

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