Daily Life Talks: How to Not Be Shaken by Life

how to not be shaken by life

At 6:30am on Friday mornings, our church has prayer meetings. There’s a time of pastoral encouragement, worship and then prayers, testimony or song by us who want to share. This past Friday morning, the prayer focus was not being shaken by life but shaking life up. One of the scriptures that really resonated with me was Psalm 62:2 “Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress; I will never be shaken”. It made me think of our smallest and youngest fur baby, Sheba. She’s a whopping 8-pound maltese poodle mix (more poodlish though) who thinks she runs our house. She does not care. She does not care about your boundaries or feelings. She will jump right up where you are sitting on the couch and sit on your head. She does not care about your correction of any of her behavior. She is generally obedient and teachable, but she is not phased by you correcting her. She does what she wants and when. And talk about being shaken…she’s 2 shakes away from being feral. She’s not, but she is wild.

I remember being exasperated once to the point where I wondered aloud, “What am I going to do with her?” The Lord said “You know she’s a lot like you…”. I was floored. But it made me realize all her good qualities. She is sweet, very smart and quite athletic (even though she’s small). Every time I’ve been under the weather, she comes a lies right down next to me and with few exceptions won’t leave my side. She’s spunky. She’s playful still. I thought she would grow out of it, but she hasn’t. She wants to know what’s going on everywhere in the house or anywhere else she goes. She takes her job as the house protector very seriously. And last year, she overcame cancer. Except for the scar, you would never know she was affected by it. She’s been a little lesson on how to not be shaken by life, because no matter what she’s faced in her little life she gets back up – unshaken.

I’m convinced that even though Sheba is a dog, she knows somehow that her needs will be met and that her job is to show up and live her best life. It reminds me of the scripture “ Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” (Matthew 6:26). I know a lot of the times I was shaken by life, I was unsure whether a need would be met. I was thinking perhaps I would need to let go of a hope, dream or desire. But we are assured that God meets all needs. He comes to our aid and rescue.

So I want to encourage you today to with this talk about how to not be shaken with life. Start with the full knowledge that God WILL meet your needs and come to your aid!

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