Daily Life Talks: If You Want It to Thrive, You Have to Nourish It


You cannot starve something and then wonder why it is malnourished. I know that sounds very basic, but sometimes we want to see great rewards while we haven’t put in the level of work required to get them. And then, we’re surprised when the thing we failed to nourish produces poor results.

We don’t have control over everything. Very often, there are very real things beyond our control that greatly impact the level of our success. But every successful person I’ve studied somehow found a way to overcome that which she/he could not control to reap the success from the labor they input (which they could control). In the words of Joyce Meyer’s husband, Dave Meyer’s “Whoever wants the perks without doing the work…is a jerk”. Just do the work and nourish the thing you want to see grow and thrive.

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” Galatians 6:7

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