Daily Life Talks: It’s Time to Water Your Own Garden

water your own garden

The other day while I was going about my day and living life, I felt this drop in my spirit: “It’s time to water your own garden”. It made me think of the saying that “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence”. Meaning, you often think someone else’s lot better than your own. Well, there’s the other side to that saying that I want to explore with you today.

Sometimes the grass IS greener on the other side of the fence…because the cultivator is doing what is required for it to thrive. They water the grass. They keep the grass cut. They give the grass nutrients to help it grow and become healthy. And if you’re not doing the same thing with your grass, of course you’ll feel like their grass is “greener”.

But the problem is when you’re envious of someone else’s outcome when you haven’t even put in the work to achieve that outcome in your own life. I’d like to use the example of a garden now, because gardens are often more personal. I’d also like to add a different point to this talk…which is that some of you have done the work to cultivate gardens that belong to other people but you’ve completely neglected your own. Maybe you feel resentment about it. Maybe you don’t. But for some of you, it’s time to water your own garden. It’s time to put the same amount of effort into you, your dreams, your goals as you do into that of others.

If it seems overwhelming, start with small tasks first. Don’t feel guilty for saying no. Get in touch with what YOU really want, like and need. Carve out time each day just for you to work on you and your dreams. Don’t compare your journey to someone else’s. Focus on applying what you already know to YOU. Then water your own garden.


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