Daily Life Talks: Know Who You Are

know who you are

In life, if you don’t know who you are there are people who are more than happy to tell you who you should be. This is a very sad arrangement in life: being who others want you to be. One of the greatest joys in life is to know who you are and to live your life accordingly.

If you’re not sure how to know who you are, here are a few things you can do to start this journey. Take time to try things that you are interested in. This is how you find out what you do and don’t like. Second, spend time around people who love you. People who truly love you will give you an honest assessment of who you are (both good and bad) through their experiences of you. Third, pay attention to your dreams and desires. These leave a big clue about what is important to you and what you would rather spend your time and life doing.

Once you know who you are, never forget!

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