Daily Life Talks: Never Let Anyone Pimp Your Gift

never let anyone pimp your gift

I’m a firm believer that God gives us gifts to grow our lives and benefit us. As a byproduct of developing those gifts and using them in a way that uplifts our own lives, the lives of those around us are made better. When our primary aim in using our gifts is to use them only in service to other people, we open ourselves up to abuse and misuse. That’s because more often than not, other people will not have the highest use and expression of your gifts in mind. They will most likely aim to use those gifts in the ways they believe are best. Don’t let anyone do this to your gift. Never let anyone pimp your gift.


pimped; pimping; pimps

  1. to make use of often dishonorably for one’s own gain or benefit

I remember once as a young teen a woman at my church asked me to accompany a singer she was training on the piano. She paid me for my time and said “Never let anyone pimp your gift”. Being young an inexperienced, I thought she meant to make sure you got paid for your work. But through experience I’ve come to learn it means to never allow someone to use your gift in a way that dishonors you and that only benefits them.

Gifts pave your way in this life: for financial independence, self-esteem, a sense of purpose and so much more. Decide the way you want to use them and use them for your highest good.

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