Daily Life Talks: No Is a Complete Sentence

no is a complete sentence

The older I get, the less I explain my no. No is a complete sentence and I am not obligated to explain why I say no; especially when the request is unreasonable as it is.

Now, do I believe that we can be gracious when we deliver our no? Absolutely! There’s no need to be offensive, rude or unkind when the situation doesn’t warrant that. But there’s also no need to explain ourselves. As adults, we do not have to explain why we say no.

In fact, I believe it’s a huge, bright, flaming red flag when you say no to someone and they continue to try and get you to change your mind. If they can’t respect your no, they can’t truly appreciate your yes. And if they disrespect your no, they don’t respect you. Why on earth would you say yes to someone like that, or explain yourself to them?

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