Daily Life Talks: Only Give From the Overflow

give from the overflow

You can’t give what you don’t have. I know a lot of us believe we can. But it shows up as physical illness, resentment and anger. Your body, mind and emotions are telling you that all you’re giving to others needs to be given to yourself. If you can’t keep your own cup full, how can you fill someone else’s?

The best way to give, is to give from the overflow. When your cup runs over, you have more than enough for yourself and now you have something substantial to give others. In fact, I believe the ONLY way to give effectively, is to give from the overflow. Some days you won’t have overflow and that is perfectly okay. Some days you’ll struggle to keep your cup full. That is fine too. But if you are the type who always gives from the reserve that is for you, I want to challenge you for the next 30 days to only give from the overflow from your cup. Once you have replenished and refreshed, then you can work on giving from the abundance and not from your reserve.

You are a treasure. You deserve to have a full cup that never runs dry. You already know what life is like when the cup stays dry. Now it’s time to find out what life looks like when you have overflow!

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