Daily Life Talks: Success Requires Consistency

In the previous talk, I mentioned consistency. So, today I want to make sure you know that any kind of success requires consistency. To dive into this, I want to address a few nuances. Lack of consistency is not the same as quitting. Although, one could argue that if you can’t be consistent, you may as well quit. I believe that lack of consistency is what makes you have to start over (other than valid reasons that may require you to have to start over).

I know we said before that the only way you can lose is if you quit. But inconsistency yields results that will make you believe it’s time to hang it up and go home. Before you do that, I want to challenge you to be consistent with that new trade, that new activity, that new habit for at least 90 days and see where it goes before you quit. If you’re consistent and putting your all into something for a reasonable amount of time and it doesn’t take off, then perhaps it’s time to consider retiring it. But if you see improvement and results, keep going because success requires consistency.

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