Daily Life Talks: The Best Option

the best option

In life, it’s wise to want to choose the best option for any given situation. Unfortunately, life can wear us down so that we think the best choice is the easiest one. I’m here to tell you that the best option is the best option. This isn’t always what is easiest.

I know that life is hard enough as it is. Who wants to make it harder by choosing an uphill battle or a rocky road for their journey? The fact is that you could make the journey more difficult by choosing the easy way. Aside from the fact that easiest isn’t always best, easy doesn’t challenge you or help you grow once you’ve mastered it. Growth comes through taking on challenges and increasing the “difficulty level” of a situation. When you choose to opt out of the more difficult levels of life, you don’t grow.

The next time you’re facing a decision on what to do next, consider that the easiest option isn’t always the best option.

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