Daily Life Talks: The Power in Being Quiet

the power in being quiet

I was talking to an older friend and she was talking about how quiet and unassuming my husband is. He really isn’t. But I knew what she meant. He’s the type of man who you might think you can roll up on any kind of way, but if you do you will find out that you really can’t. It’s one of the many reasons I love him. When I relayed an incident that proved this to my friend, her response was “Folks gon’ learn to leave quiet people alone”.

If you have a more boisterous and loud personality, please don’t confuse a person’s quiet demeanor for weakness or timidity. There’s power in being quiet. Quiet people often have strength, insights and skills that their loud counterparts do not. And if you roll up on them with disrespect, you are liable to get your feelings hurt. Respect the quiet people. If you can’t, it’s best for you to leave them alone.

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