Daily Life Talks: Transition is Temporary

Transition is temporary, and it is often required to reach your destiny – which is eternal. Although our lives should not be spent reaching final destinations, our destinies should be pursued. Our transitions should be viewed as temporary.

But sometimes this is easier said than done. Transitions can be scary, ugly and painful places that make us feel like we’ll never see anything or anywhere else. Some people pride themselves on the amount of pain they can tolerate, but honestly I wonder if they just haven’t hit their pain threshold. Pain has a way of altering you. If you’re not careful you can give up hope of life being better on the other side of it.

Yet, the truth is that even painful transitions are temporary (or at least they’re supposed to be). When your transitions to destiny become scary, ugly or painful just remember that this is temporary. Hold on to your destiny and keep going. Eventually the transition comes to an end and you will make it to a different place in your journey to your destiny.

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