Daily Life Talks: What Happens Next

what happens next

I’ve been there. You see something horrible happen to a good person you know or love and assume what happens next: that it will happen to you. And then you’re paralyzed with fear. You talk yourself out of moving toward that goal or dream. You play it safe.

One day, I was driving to the store. This particular location requires me to cross a bridge to get there. Very rarely is there not traffic going in the opposite direction in the later afternoon. This afternoon, was a typical afternoon and I said aloud as I drove by sneaking peeks at the backup on the opposite side of the highway going back towards the bridge “I’m going a different way home. I’m not going to be sitting in that traffic!”. No sooner than the last word left my lips, the Holy Spirit said “Yes you are going back that way. Just because they’re sitting in traffic doesn’t mean you will too”. So I went back the same way. And you know what? There was no back up. A little congestion, but no back up.

Never assume that your outcome will be the same as someone else’s. You don’t know their situation and circumstances. You only know what you see and what they tell you. And, you don’t know the future for your own life. You can only be prepared for it. What happens next in your own life is what will happen for you. Just know that just because it happened to someone else, it doesn’t mean it will happen to you.

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