Daily Life Talks: Why Elephants Are Amazing

elephants are amazing

Before I start this talk, I want to say that this will not be an ad for elephant orphanages and nurseries that take donations. I just want to share with you why I believe elephants are amazing.

My husband and I watched the National Geographic documentary on elephants and I was amazed by these gentle but fiesty giants. What I learned from the documentary is that they adapt to their environments, they are highly intelligent (emotionally and otherwise), they are matriarchal and very community oriented, and they have stamina that you wouldn’t think a creature that large would have. Their lifespans are long (70+ years) and their memories are indeed long as well. My favorite are the babies because they are hilarious and have no inhibitions. The mamas are amazing too because they take their role of keeping the tribe alive very seriously.

I believe they are God’s animal gardeners who were designed to help humans maintain this vast earth and cultivate it’s natural habitats. Unfortunately, we destroy much of it and now we’re destroying them too with poaching. I don’t have a specific nursery in mind, but one day I want to visit one and donate to ones that I know are doing the work to keep them from becoming extinct. They are magnificent creatures who deserve to live.

After learning about them, I’m convinced that the lion is not the king of the jungle. The elephants are the ones who really rule the jungles and other vast habitats because of how they maintain and cultivate vast ecosystems. They are magical and will live on if we let them.

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