Daily Life Talks: You Don’t Retire the Fire

This past Sunday my husband and I were talking about some changes that were happening in our church, so we started discussing the callings and anointings of the pastors on staff. He said “You don’t retire the fire. You just get moved to another position for a different capacity”. And he’s right. Most of the people I’ve seen who have strong callings and anointings never really retire. They simply have some sort of rebirth and start working in another capacity.

Are you called or anointed to do something? It doesn’t have to be a church. Maybe you have a calling to start a business. Maybe you work in the medical field and you feel called to take what you’ve learned and help your patients holistically. Maybe you see deficiencies in your child’s school system and feel called to step up and correct them. Whatever it is, if you are called to do it. Do it until there’s a shifting that places you in anther position. And then do shift again.

Life is short. Not only is it meant to be lived, but it’s designed for you to live out your callings. Over and over again until you leave this Earth. Answer your calling, grow, change and never retire the fire.

For more Daily Life Talks with me (Afi), sign up below! We’ll talk soon.

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