Digital vs Print Sewing Patterns

sewing patterns

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced sewist, you know how important good sewing patterns are to the success of your final garment. In this sewing talk, I share some pros and cons of both digital and print sewing patterns:

I enjoyed the process of making the first 2 sewing patterns of the Wear What You Make collection so much that I decided to make this season’s edition of the Wear What You Make magazine all about sewing patterns. Check out our magazine here:

Spring 2024 Wear What You Make Magazine

Wear What You Make Magazine: Spring 2024 Wear What You Make Magazine

This is the Spring 2024 edition of the Wear What You Make magazine. This is the first “Pattern Edition” where we discuss digital vs print patterns, where to buy sewing patterns, and resources that can help you design your own sewing patterns.

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