Summer Garden with Okra in Containers
One of my favorite vegetables is okra. So, when I started my summer garden a few months ago I had to include okra.
I chose the clemson spineless and burgundy varieties. Next summer, I’ll find a dwarf variety since I’ll be growing in containers again. So far, most of what sprouted is growing taller and seems to be thriving, but the true testament will be if I get any pods!
I have to say that this has been rewarding so far. The physical labor and daily trips to our backyard have been good for me. The trials and error have taught me a lot and tested my patience.
I’m not looking to become a master gardener, but I do want to be able to grow most of my family’s produce. Homesteading may not be realistic for us, but having good and healthy fruits and vegetables is!
Are you growing okra? What are your tips?